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Join Our Team

Want to join PlantForever's executive team? We are looking for some positions. Feel free to send us a message if you’re interested or want to learn more!

Disclaimer: All positions at PlantForever are currently volunteer-based.

Executive Position: Vice President of Operation (Outside of Edmonton; Visual poster)

  • Manages tree planting for a given city
  • PlantForever has a VP Operations position for each city/urban area where one can expand tree planting. For example, Nathaniel is our current VP Operations for Edmonton. This position is for those that reside outside of Edmonton and want to undertake a leadership position to expand PlantForever in their city

Manager Position: Social Media

  • Oversees PlantForever’s social media accounts
  • Develops content for the organization
  • Works with Operations and Marketing to engage homeowners in tree planting through social media